
JSRD05-1300R | Delta Robot

JSRD05-1300R D4 delta robot mechanics are ideal for top loading pick & place processes where moving conveyors are used. The way these robots are built make them very useful for fast production lines. You will find these robots in end-of-line packaging in the food and pharmaceutical industries and also in agriculture environments. Johnson Smart D4 robot mechanics are the best solution if you want to automate and speed up your process.

Delta robot mechanics are the solution for two-dimensional movements with the possibility to add rotation. the D4s are the solution. The smaller D4s are often used in end-of-line packaging, cosmetics, consumer electronics and pharmaceuticals. The larger D4s are found in food packaging and other industries where higher payload solutions are required.

Johnson Smart provides versatile pick-and-place solutions, available as open robot mechanics compatible with any machine control platform, or as an integrated solution with B&R controllers in a Machine-Centric Robotics setup. This unique blend of design freedom and synchronized performance allows us to deliver the most effective solution tailored to your specific ap

Basic parameters

Rated working range:ø 1300 x 250 mm
Pick and place actions:maximum.300P/min
Position repeatabilityX,Y,Z*:±0.1mm
Noise Level:<68dB(A)

JSRD05-1100R | Delta機器人
历史| 永昌县| 勐海县| 渝北区| 湖口县| 博乐市| 万州区| 忻州市| 泾源县| 珲春市| 新乡县| 南充市| 延边| 仪征市| 武威市| 永城市| 武穴市| 亚东县| 辽源市| 安多县| 广丰县| 桦南县| 罗山县| 牟定县| 铜鼓县| 利川市| 土默特左旗| 连平县| 崇信县| 应用必备| 上犹县| 清涧县| 泰兴市| 东方市| 汽车| 比如县| 武城县| 昔阳县| 林甸县| 宕昌县| 大方县|