
Biscuit sorting and canning robot workstation intelligent production line

This product's robot sorting and canning workstation includes a high-speed parallel robot, two sets of picking devices (optional), three sets of biscuit loading devices (optional), and three conveyor chains (optional), using intelligent visual inspection.
♦Single robot workstation production capacity: 5-10 cans/minute, fast speed, suitable for a wide variety of products.
♦This product is suitable for canned products such as various small cakes, sliced cookies, and biscuits.

The two sets of picking devices are suction buckets and suction cups, with suction buckets used for picking sesame cakes and honey cereal cakes; The suction cup is used to pick up other types of cookies.

寿宁县| 松桃| 任丘市| 河东区| 渭源县| 阿图什市| 化隆| 福海县| 友谊县| 任丘市| 高陵县| 宁强县| 丰顺县| 加查县| 延寿县| 依兰县| 柘荣县| 曲阳县| 河北区| 新津县| 济源市| 丰顺县| 宜章县| 石林| 泌阳县| 六安市| 平谷区| 邢台县| 瓦房店市| 江北区| 安陆市| 保靖县| 鹤庆县| 乐业县| 仁化县| 广安市| 固阳县| 武汉市| 武功县| 海南省| 盐山县|